Wednesday, December 10, 2008

PLN 16

I read an article called, Oil spill cleanup underway at Boulder Creek. A man cut the wrong pipe and ended up spilling 30 gallons of heating oil into the creek. The contracter didn't report it or tell anyone about the spill what so ever. The oil was found to be non toxic so far but it still makes me wonder how dirty our creeks are now? It makes me consider how good the oil is to the wild life in the creek and the people around it.

PLN 15

I read the article, Some Houstonians 'calling in gay' Boycott is over California's gay marriage reversal. There's this huge "Day Without a Gay" economic boycott today. Gays are tired of being treated like second class citizens. Poeple were calling themselves in as gay for an excuse to miss work. I believe gays have a right to show there love for someone else, but I believe that calling in gay to work is not a legitament excuse. People need to let people love however or whoever they want, its not your choice to decide who people are going to love.